Our Artificially Intelligent Tuition Jobs Chatbot — MT.Bot

Lai Weichang
ManyTutors Blog
Published in
2 min readOct 18, 2017


In partnership with IBM and SGInnovate under the TAG.PASS Accelerator Program, we have developed an artificially intelligent chatbot that will help save at least 1500 hours every month for recruitment agents on our platform.

One Line Blurb

MT.Bot is an IBM Watson powered ChatBot running on Facebook Messenger that notifies and interviews suitable tutors when there are interesting tuition jobs near their house.


Every month, recruitment agents from many companies use ManyTutors to search for tutors. They either manually message tutors in our ManyTutors Database or post tuition jobs in our Tuition Forum in an effort to check if tutors are still available to take on tuition jobs. (3,000 jobs are posted in our forums every month alone.)

This is a time-consuming process. Sometimes, these coordinators will have to message 20 tutors before getting a single reply. Posting assignments in our forum alleviate this process but it is not perfect either, as not all tutors who are looking for assignments will be constantly online rummaging our forum.

How MT.Bot works

Tuition agents post jobs in our forum as usual but now, MT.Bot will use Facebook Messenger to reach out to tutors on their behalf.

MT.Bot will msg tutors around a postal code when there are tuition jobs nearby. It will then follow up with short, screening questions if a tutor expresses an interest in taking up a job. This paves the way for a more in-depth phone interview with the agents later.

This will increase productivity and will save up to half an hour per assignment.

Screened interested applicants will then be sorted automatically and will appear in the coordinator dashboard area. Agents can then call them up if they see a good fit to the assignment at hand.

Currently in private beta, MT.Bot will be launched to the public on 1 Nov 2017.

IBM Watson

MT.Bot uses the artificial intelligence from the IBM Watson Conversation Bluemix API to understand and process the intents of each chat message.

The API makes the difficult task of automatically understanding and responding to users simple by providing a friendly GUI for training and configuring intents and dialog flow.

We intend to build in more intents so that MT.Bot will be able to handle other enquiries by tutors and even parents in the future.

Anyone can chat with MT.Bot here, though MT.Bot will only automatically message you only if you are registered as a ManyTutors tutor.

